Memory Loss
Authors: Bruce E. Robinson MD MPH, Patricia P. Barry MD MPH |
Used for the first evaluation of a patient with cognitive problems and suspected dementia.
Professional tools automate data gathering and recording. Recommended measures include the Folstein MMSE,
Geriatric Depression Scale, and the modified Hachinski. Educational materials teach patients/caregivers about
common associated problems. |
Urinary Incontinence
Authors: Jan Busby-Whitehead, MD, Jean Kincade, RN PhD,
Deborah Lekan-Rutledge, RN MSN, Lisa Granville MD. |
Used for the initial evaluation of a patient with urinary incontinence.
Automates collection of baseline information on pattern, frequency and impact of incontinence.
Collects background information important in differential diagnosis. Educational materials teach
patients self-management techniques and explain medical and surgical treatment options. |
Authors: Sharon Brangman MD, Bruce E. Robinson MD MPH |
Used for the initial evaluation of a patient with suspected depression. Gathers
information important to differential diagnosis. Depression screens used are the Geriatric
Depression Scale and the PHQ-9. Educational materials for patient/family education discuss
critical management concepts. |
Heart Failure
Authors: Daniel E. Forman, MD and Bruce E. Robinson MD, MPH |
The five professional tools and patient forms and 14 educational tools included in the
Heart Failure Tool Kit will help physicians collect necessary information about their patients and better evaluate them. The patient handouts will educate
patients and family members about heart failure, related risk factors, and ways to live with the disease.
Persistent Pain
Authors: Lisa Granville, MD, Cynthia X. Pan, MD, and Bruce E. Robinson MD, MPH |
The Persistent Pain Tool Kit includes 18 professional tools and patient forms that will help physicians learn to detect persistent pain in their patients, educate patients about how to manage their pain, and monitor and respond to the effects of ongoing pain treatments. |
Authors: Rosemary D. Laird MD, MHA, Bruce E. Robinson MD, MPH |
Used for the evaluation and management of falls. Includes
"Get Up and Go Test", a home safety questionnaire and an
evaluation form for the initial visit. Educational materials for patient/family
include tips for reducing risk of falls and improving balance. |
Authors: Bruce E. Robinson MD, MPH, Kate Ackerman, MD, MPH, Patricia P. Barry, MD, MPH, Lisa Granville, MD |
The Prevention Tool Kit offers one practical approach to organizing clinical preventive services for older adults in your office practice. This tool kit is based on the Pocket Guide to Staying Healthy at 50+, published by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). This tool kit also contains additional patient education materials to provide an efficient way of handling the questions that arise from the many preventive choices available today. |