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Links to Health Websites
The links to outside Internet sites included on this web site are provided as a service to our users and do not imply endorsement by the Practicing Physician Education in Geriatrics project. Although PPE is not responsible for the availability or content of these organizations' sites, PPE does review and categorize the health sites to assist visitors in finding the most reliable health information.*

For tips on how to evaluate the health information you find on the internet, take a look at the
SPRY Foundation's hands-on guide or visit: www.healthcompass.org, a website sponsored by the American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) and the former Merck Institute of Aging and Health.

The links are divided into 2 categories:
Links to Aging Sites
Links to General Health Sites

Links to Aging Sites
AARP (www.aarp.org)
Site sponsorship:  AARP
Advertising:  Some; ads are clearly labeled as advertising
Registration:  no registration needed
Type of Content: 

This site is filled with information for people aged 50 and over about finance, legislation, health & wellness, technology, policy & research, travel & leisure and more. Also includes message boards and a variety of online courses on many different topics

Administration on Aging (www.aoa.gov)
Site sponsorship:  US government
Advertising:  none
Registration:  no registration needed
Type of Content: 

includes lists of resources for older adults and caregivers, links to other government sites with information about legal issues, health concerns, etc., describes AOA programs and includes latest press releases from the agency

Alzheimer's Association (www.alz.org)
Site sponsorship:  Alzheimer's Association, a non-proft organization, with support by unrestricted educational grants from Eisai Inc. and Pfizer Inc.
Advertising:  none
Registration:  no registration needed
Type of Content:  includes a glossary of terms related to the disease, answers to FAQs, information about local chapters and specific information for healthcare professionals, patients, family members, caregivers and the media.

American Federation for Aging Research (www.infoaging.org)
Site Sponsorship:  the American Federation for Aging Research, a non-profit organization, with support for the site provided by an educational grant from Pfizer.
Advertising:  none
Registration:  no registration needed
Type of Content:  includes the latest research on healthy aging, with information on age-related diseases, the biology of aging, and diet & exercise

Alliance for Aging Research (www.agingresearch.org)
Site Sponsorship:  the Alliance for Aging Research, a non-profit organization, with support for the site provided by an educational grant from GlaxoSmithKline.
Advertising:  none
Registration:  no registration needed for site access; may register using e-mail address to access free online "webzine"
Type of Content:  includes access to the full text of many reports related to health, policy and aging issues as well as several quizzes to calculate life expectancy and risk for macular degeneration. Also includes a special section devoted to genetics in aging.

American Geriatrics Society Foundation for Health in Aging (www.healthinaging.org)

Site sponsorship:  AGS Foundation for Health in Aging, a non-profit organization established in 1999 by the American Geriatrics Society to build a bridge between the research and practice of Geriatrics and the Public, and to advocate on behalf of older adults and their special health care needs.
Advertising:  none

Registration:      no registration needed

Type of Content:  Includes public information on a variety of geriatrics health topics, including the special features: Aging in the Know, a comprehensive laypersons guide to the diseases and disorders of older adults; and Eldercare At Home, a detailed workbook for family caregivers who need information and support

Geronurseonline ( www.GeronurseOnline.org)

Site Sponsorship: The site is sponsored by "Nurse Competence in Aging," a 5-year initiative funded by The Atlantic Philanthropies (USA) Inc., awarded to the American Nurses Association (ANA) through the American Nurses Foundation (ANF), and represents a strategic alliance between ANA, the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) and the John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing, New York University, The Steinhardt School of Education, Division of Nursing.

Advertising: none

Registration: Registration is not necessary to access the site's information, however, users have the option to register in order to have a personalized homepage that reflects specific areas of interest/specialty and that enables them to save content.

Type of Content: includes high-quality, evidence-based information for nurses of all specialties who wish to learn how to better care for older adults; addresses a variety of geriatric topics by providing overviews, assessment/screening information, treatment strategies, and additional resources. Also includes certification information and links to journals and other literature.

John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing (www.hartfordign.org)
Site Sponsorship:  the John A. Hartford Foundation Institute for Geriatric Nursing
Advertising:  none
Registration:  No registration needed
Type of Content:  Includes extensive educational information for practicing nurses, students, administrators and faculty. Provides links to additional geriatric resources.

MEDLINEplus: Seniors' Health (www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/seniorshealthgeneral.html)
Site Sponsorship:  US government; developed by the National Library of Medicine
Advertising:  none
Registration:  No registration needed
Type of Content:  Includes news, research updates, and access to information regarding specific diseases and conditions. Includes many links to consumer health information from the National Institutes of Health, medical dictionaries, clinical trials and health information in Spanish and other languages.

The Merck Manual of Geriatrics (www.merck.com/mrkshared/mm_geriatrics/contents.jsp)
Site Sponsorship:  Merck & Co., Inc.
Advertising:  yes
Registration:  No registration needed
Type of Content:  This site contains the complete, searchable text of the hard copy version of The Merck Manual of Geriatrics, published in Fall 2000. This manual features a unique interdisciplinary approach that specifically addresses the challenges facing geriatric care. It includes information on nursing care, pharmacy issues, and discussions of the best drugs for the elderly.

National Institute on Aging (www.nih.gov/nia)
Site Sponsorship:  US government; the NIA is part of the National Institutes of Health
Advertising:  none
Registration:  no registration needed
Type of Content:  health information for the public, research updates, links to aging sites. The "Health Information" page includes a list of all NIA publications.
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Links to General Health Sites
American Cancer Society (www.cancer.org)
Site Sponsorship:  the American Cancer Society, a national, non-profit organization
Advertising:  none
Registration:  no registration needed
Type of Content:  includes information on a variety of different cancers, prevention and early detection guidelines, treatment options and other information for those living with cancer, and many other resources

American Diabetes Association (www.diabetes.org)
Site Sponsorship:  the American Diabetes Association, a national, non-profit organization
Advertising:  none
Registration:  no registration needed for access to the majority of the site, however, registration is required to enter the community forum, and a visitor may develop a profile of interests to create customized pages
Type of Content:  includes a tip and recipe of the day, latest news regarding diabetes research, basic information about Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, a community forum, and an online store where visitors can purchase books, cookbooks, meal planners and other materials related to diabetes

American Heart Association (www.americanheart.org)
Site Sponsorship:  the American Heart Association, a national, non-profit organization
Advertising:  none
Registration:  no registration needed
Type of Content:  includes risk assessment tools, statistics, heart and stroke reference guide, information on diet and exercise, heart-healthy recipes, research information, and more
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*Note: Generally, it is wise to consult health information resources sponsored by recognized authorities such as academic institutions, health advocacy organizations, non-profit institutions, medical societies, and government agencies. It is also important to remember that information you find on the Internet should not replace the advice of your healthcare provider.

Copyright © 2006, Practicing Physician Education in Geriatrics